Sunday, September 20, 2009


The sermon series at our church up here is going to be on Ephesians. I'm excited - I've loved Ephesians especially since Urbana, and delving into it again at the same time that I'm taking theology and exegesis courses seems like it can only open up more new lessons for me to receive from God.

An interesting note/question: is it a Canada-wide thing to refer to people who get involved in a youth group, perhaps as small group leaders, as "youth sponsors"? Because Mackenzie and I have heard that term several times now, from both our church here and from people at Trinity, and it wasn't until today that I actually learned what it meant. When we asked our friends at church about it, they agreed that the name is misleading - it sounds like you give the youth money and support them so they can go to school or something. In case anyone is curious, at my home church in the States we'd call them "youth workers" or just "small group leaders."

Oh, and Mackenzie and I have joined the house dinner club at the place we're living. It's going to be fun! Everyone cooks dinner for the other club members once every two weeks (and those for whom you cook do the cleanup). There are eleven people involved. So that means free dinner every week night - well, every week night that neither Mackenzie nor I are scheduled! ;) I'm scheduled for this Thursday, and I'm pretty sure I'll be making my version of Thai peanut curry. I've never cooked for more than four people before, so that part will be an adventure.


Arzu said...

Maybe it's just a BC thing. I grew up in Ontario and I've never heard the term 'youth sponsor' before, and I wouldn't have had a clue what it meant. Small group leaders is the term I would have picked. Youth worker has more of a connotation of a stronger involvement with the ministry, or a more central leadership role.

Also - Thai peanut curry sounds YUM!

Johanna said...

Interesting. Okay. Although the guy who used the term in chapel is from Alberta, I think, so maybe it's a western thing? And yeah, I think 'youth worker' sounds more like a leadership role to me, too. :)

Thanks! Maybe I'll post the recipe online at some point.